The question of is colloidal silver antibacterial is a common one among people. When it comes to bacteria, silver has been shown to decimate most of them. These […]
Colloidal Silver Spray Pregnancy
There are many benefits of using a colloidal silver spray during pregnancy. This natural treatment can alleviate morning sickness, prevent vaginal yeast infections, and even lower the risk […]
Are Colloidal Silver and Silver Hydrosol the Same Thing?
The answer to this question is not always obvious. While colloidal silver is a natural substance, there is a difference between it and silver hydrosol. The former is […]
Colloidal Silver Spray Bottle
The first thing you should do is purchase a colloidal silver spray bottle. This simple device will atomize the colloidal silver as it is crushed. Then, you can […]
Colloidal Silver Sold At Sprouts
Colloidal silver has many uses, but the biggest one is as a natural antibiotic. Researchers say the substance has the ability to make bacteria cell membranes more permeable, […]
Colloidal Silver Athlete’s Foot Treatment
A colloidal silver athlete’s foot treatment is a natural way to get rid of this skin infection. You can use a topical solution of colloidal metal to kill […]
Colloidal Silver Soap Whole Foods
Many people have been wondering about the benefits of colloidal silver soap. The silver in these products is naturally occurring and fights bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This makes […]
Intravenous Colloidal Silver
There are several effects of intravenous colloidal silver, but they’re small and non-significant. The toxicity of this substance is minimal. Studies conducted have shown it can reduce the […]
Colloidal Silver Shelf Life
A colloidal silver bottle’s shelf life is determined by the temperature in which it is stored. If the bottle is left in a freezer, the temperature will lower […]
Colloidal Silver And Probiotics
There is much controversy surrounding the use of colloidal silver and probiotics, particularly in the treatment of diarrhea and other digestive problems. While the effectiveness of the solution […]
Colloidal Silver And Lyme Disease
There is an intriguing link between colloidal silver and Lyme disease. It has been used for centuries as a topical treatment for skin infections. The silver in colloidal […]
Colloidal Silver Safe While Breastfeeding
Colloidal Silver Safe While Breastfeeding? Is colloidal silver safe for nursing mothers and pregnant women? This question has been a popular one for years, and for good reason. […]
Colloidal Silver Research
The colloidal silver industry started blossoming after Henry Crookes realized its medicinal properties in 1910. Other notable researchers included G.A. Krouse who developed swimming pool water filtration systems […]
Colloidal Silver Production
There are several ways to make your own colloidal silver. The easiest way is to buy a kit that comes with steam-distilled water. You can also use structured, […]
Colloidal Silver Oatmeal
Colloidal oatmeal is a popular beauty product made by finely powdering oat grains. It can be added to common beauty products, such as face scrubs and body lotions. […]
Colloidal Silver Nebulizer Horse
A colloidal silver nebulizer for horses is a great tool for respiratory problems. This machine works in the same way as a human nebulizer. The fluid is converted […]
Colloidal Silver Kills HPV
Colloid Silver is a natural substance which is effective against a wide variety of illnesses, including cancer, food poisoning, and meningitis. It can also cure pink eye, gonorrhea, […]
Colloidal Silver 50 ppm Dosage
There are no studies that have evaluated colloidal silver’s benefits when consumed, injected, or inhaled. In addition, it is not clear whether or not the silver used to […]
colloidal Silver Ionic Silver
To distinguish colloidal silver from ionic silver, you should look for a white cloud or droplets that do not reflect light. A true ionic solution contains more than […]
Colloidal Silver Immune Support
Colloidal silver is a natural antibiotic. It is an excellent immune system supporter and has a wide variety of other benefits. It promotes healthy cell growth in burns, […]
Colloidal Silver Holistic Medicine
A study published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that colloidal silver is an effective antimicrobial. Although it is used to treat bacteria and fungi, […]
Colloidal Silver Hair Follicles
One of the most effective ways to regrow hair is using a topical solution of colloidal silver. This mixture is applied to the scalp and can help promote […]
Colloidal Silver Gel Whole Foods
Before you choose Colloidal Silver Gel Whole Foods, you should consider a few things. The first thing you should consider is the cost. The larger the container, the […]
Can You Use Colloidal Silver On Cats?
There are many myths about colloidal silver and cats, and they can be frightening for pet owners. However, there is no reason to worry. Your veterinarian may prescribe […]
Colloidal Silver For Sunburn
If you have had a sunburn, you have likely heard about colloidal silver. Although it is a common ingredient in many OTC treatments, it is not suitable for […]
Buy Colloidal Silver Water
It’s a good idea to buy colloidal silver water, but how do you know whether the water is really worth the money? The quality of the silver in […]
Colloidal Silver For Stuffy Nose
Using colloidal silver for stuffy nose can be beneficial in treating this condition. The sinuses are home to a variety of bacteria and fungi that feed on mucus. […]
Biosil Colloidal Silver Soap
Biosil colloidal silver soap is an excellent choice for people who are concerned about their child’s skin. This product is especially good for babies as it is gentle […]
Colloidal Silver and Dog Cancer
Colloidal Silver and Dog Cancer Colloidal silver is a valuable tool for dog owners, as it has proven to be effective against several types of dog cancer. The […]
Colloidal Silver in CVS and Walgreens
You may have seen ads for colloidal silver in CVS or Walgreens. They claim it is safe for external use. But these products are only safe for very […]
Colloid Silver and Blue People
The first newspaper to report on the use of colloidal silver was the Cincinnati Lancet and Observer, which was published in 1859. In a separate article, Blaine Harden, […]
The Colloidal Silver Blue Man Hoax
The colloidal silver blue man hoax has caused quite a stir over the internet. The product contains 200 parts per million of energized, dispersed silver molecules, combined with […]
Colloidal Silver 20 ppm For External Use
A popular and powerful antiseptic, colloidal silver has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. Its powerful antibacterial properties helped it to be widely used until the advent […]
Can You Put Colloidal Silver in Your Ear?
Can You Put Colloidal Silver in Your Ear? When treating ear infections with conventional treatments, can you put Colloidal Silver in your ear? You may think it is […]
Can Colloidal Silver Turn You Blue?
Can Colloidal Silver Turn You Blue? Many people are skeptical about the claims that colloidal silver turns you blue. This metal contains trace amounts of aluminum and copper, […]
Sovereign Silver Vs Colloidal Silver
Sovereign Silver Vs Colloidal Silver When comparing the two forms of silver, it can be confusing to know the difference between sovereign and colloidal. Many colloidal products use […]
The Benefits of Colloid Silver
Colloid silver is an essential component of many natural health products. Its antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antiviral properties have long been known to be beneficial for a number of […]
Nature’s Sunshine Colloidal Silver – Pros and Cons
If you are planning to buy Nature’s Sunshine Colloidal Silver, you should know its advantages and disadvantages. Its pros and cons will prevent you from buying a sub-standard […]
Jim Bakker Sued For False Advertising
After a federal judge ruled in 1989 that Bakker had violated the law, the colloidal silver industry sued the Missouri attorney general for false advertising. The attorney general […]
Is Colloidal Silver Good For You?
Is Colloidal Silver Good For You? Colloidal Silver has numerous health benefits, from improving digestion to fighting off a variety of illnesses. It prevents food from putrefying in […]
Is Colloidal Silver a Heavy Metal?
Is Colloidal Silver a Heavy Metal? Is colloidal silver a heavy metal? The question is a bit tricky, as the answer depends on the specific type of colloidal […]
Is Ingestion of Colloidal Silver Safe?
While there are many benefits to ingesting colloidal silver, some people are worried about the dangers. Ingestion of colloidal or other silver-containing products may cause health risks. In […]
The FDA Warning Letter to Alex Jones, the Host of InfoWars
The FDA Warning Letter to Alex Jones, the Host of InfoWars The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning letter to Alex Jones, the host […]
How to Use Colloidal Silver For Eye Infections
How to Use Colloidal Silver For Eye Infections When you have a scratchy eye, you probably want to try using colloidal silver to relieve the pain and swelling. […]
How to Nebulize Colloidal Gold
How to Nebulize Colloidal Gold If you are curious how to nebulize colloidal gold, the answer is simple. The nebulizer uses small particles of pure silver to deliver […]
How to Make Homemade Colloidal Silver
How to Make Homemade Colloidal Silver The procedure for making homemade colloidal silver is simple, but it’s important to follow the proper steps to prevent mistakes. First, connect […]
Colloidal Silver – What Are the Different Kinds of Colloidal Solution?
Colloidal silver is a popular supplement, but there are some things you should know before you start taking it. Because it is a drug, it poses some risks, […]
Does Colloidal Silver Kill Fungus?
In 1957, scientists Miller and McCallan published a study in the journal Agricultural and Food Chemistry on the toxic effects of metal ions on fungus spores. The findings […]
Does Colloidal Silver Go Bad?
Colloidal silver has been in use for centuries and many people have been using it as a cure for a variety of ailments, including acne and rashes. While […]
How to Create a DIY Colloidal Silver Generator
The best way to make your own colloidal silver generator at home is with simple supplies and a bit of DIY knowledge. You don’t need an expensive machine […]
Is Colloidal Silver Safe While Pregnant?
Colloid silver is a popular alternative to traditional pharmaceuticals for colds and flu. However, it has not been proven safe for developing babies. In addition, there are no […]
Colloidal Silver – A Virus Killer
Colloidal Silver – A Virus Killer Colloid silver is an all-purpose pathogen killer, killing bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It is effective against parvovirus, a highly contagious virus, and […]
Colloidal Silver Uses and Benefits
A 2013 research paper by Pharmacognosy Communications suggests that the topical application of colloidal silver can treat ringworm. Ringworm is a common skin infection caused by fungi that […]
Is Colloidal Silver Toothpaste Effective?
Is Colloidal Silver Toothpaste Effective? If you haven’t heard of colloidal silver toothpaste yet, you’re in for a treat. This ingredient is a natural antibacterial and antimicrobial, so […]
How Does Colloidal Silver Target HIV and Other Infectious Diseases?
How Does Colloidal Silver Target HIV and Other Infectious Diseases? Colloidal silver is a silver ion that can be dissolved in water, alcohol, or other solvents. Its size […]
Colloidal Silver Spray Uses
Colloidal Silver Spray Uses Colloidal Silver is a natural mineral with multiple benefits. It can be used to treat many ailments, including ear infections, cancer, meningitis, gonorrhea, and […]
Benefits of Colloidal Silver Oil
The benefits of colloidal silver oil are numerous. These products are effective for many ailments, including cancer, food poisoning, meningitis, and gonorrhea. They are also used to treat […]
Nasal Irrigation and a Colloidal Silver Neti Pot
Nasal Irrigation and a Colloidal Silver Neti Pot A colloidal silver neti pot is an effective remedy for sinus infections. It is made of colloidal silver, which is […]
Colloidal Silver Nasal Spray Reviews
Colloidal Silver Nasal Spray Reviews When it comes to deciding which colloidal silver nasal spray to use, you should look at the ingredients. The quality of the product […]
Colloidal Silver Nanoparticles
Colloidal silver nanoparticles are a great way to boost your immune system. This supplement is made up of nanoparticles of silver that are as small as one nanometer. […]
Colloidal Silver to Treat MRSA
Colloidal Silver to Treat MRSA When you use colloidal silver to treat a CRS infection, you’re actually treating the underlying disease. In this case, the topical solution is […]
Colloidal Silver Kits For Making Colloidal Silver
A colloidal silver maker is an electrical device that turns ordinary water into colloidal silver. A typical generator includes two 6 inch, 14 gauge wires made from 9999 […]
Colloidal Silver Hand Sanitizer
A colloidal silver hand sanitizer is a great way to keep your hands clean. There are many benefits to using this antibacterial gel, and you can also make […]
Colloidal Silver For UTI – How to Get the Right Dosage
Colloidal Silver For UTI – How to Get the Right Dosage While UTIs are one of the easiest illnesses to treat at home, they can be very dangerous. […]
Colloidal Silver For Toddlers
Parents have long touted the wonders of colloidal silver as a safe alternative to pharmaceutical drugs for cold and flu. However, these claims have never been scientifically proven, […]
Benefits of Colloidal Silver For Teeth
If you’ve ever experienced a tooth infection, you may have heard about the benefits of colloidal silver for teeth. These products can help prevent an infection from recurring […]
Colloid Silver For Sinus Infections
Using colloidal silver for sinus problems can be beneficial for both people with and without allergies. The silver molecules in colloidal silver are microscopic, making them safe and […]
Colloidal Silver For Rosacea
Colloidal Silver For Rosacea Many people are looking for ways to cure acne, and colloidal silver for rosacea may be an ideal solution. It is available at most […]
Colloidal Silver For Plants
Colloidal Silver For Plants Using colloidal silver for plants is an excellent way to extend the life of cut flowers. It can greatly extend the time before they […]
Colloidal Silver For Nail Fungus
There are many different ways to use colloidal silver for nail fungus. It can be applied topically, and should be used on infected toenails. The best way to […]
Colloidal Silver For Infection Prevention
Colloid silver is a natural antibiotic that has become very popular due to its amazing antibacterial properties. It is a safe and effective alternative to antibiotics, but there […]
Colloidal Silver For Dogs Itchy Skin
Colloidal Silver For Dogs Itchy Skin Many dog owners have reported success with colloidal silver for dogs itchy skin. The treatment claims to cure ear infections, ringworm, and […]
Colloidal Silver For Dogs
Colloidal Silver For Dogs Using colloidal silver for dogs can help alleviate a wide range of eye problems. The solution can be used to wipe the dog’s eyes […]
Colloidal Silver For Cellulitis
Colloidal Silver For Cellulitis Many people are using colloidal silver as a treatment for cellulitis. The topical solution is an antibacterial agent that helps to soothe the skin […]
Colloidal Silver For Bronchitis
Using colloidal silver for bronchitis is an effective treatment for many respiratory conditions. This mineral kills bacteria and viruses that cause inflammation in the lungs and airways. The […]
Colloidal Silver Before and After
If you are curious about the benefits of colloidal silver, you may be interested to learn about the possible side effects of this substance. Although it does not […]
Colloidal Silver and Cancer
In addition to killing the cells, colloidal silver is also effective in curing other health conditions, including cancer. Researchers have found that it can effectively replace chemotherapy, surgery, […]
Colloidal Silver 250 ppm
One of the best things about colloidal silver is that it is non-addictive. It is completely safe for the body and does not build up a tolerance. Because […]
What Are the Benefits of Colloidal Silver?
While the effects of colloidal silver on human health are still debated, there are some clear benefits. It has been around for centuries and is an effective antibacterial […]
Source Naturals Colloidal Silver 30 ppm Review
Source Naturals Colloidal Silver 30 ppm Review Source Naturals Wellness Colloidal Silver ™ 30 ppm is a great option for people who are looking to support their immune […]
Colloidal Silver Vs Nano Silver
What’s the difference between colloidal and nano silver? The difference is in the particle size. Colloid silver contains particles of about 100 nanometers, while nanosilver contains particles as […]
Colloidal Silver Vs Nano Silver
Colloidal Silver Vs Nano Silver The difference between colloidal silver and nano silver lies in the size of the particles. While colloidal and nano silver are the same […]
MesoSilver Colloidal Silver
The mesosilver colloidal silver product is a unique blend of colloidal silver and pure water. This blend of pure water and finely ground silver has a high surface […]
Is Colloidal Silver Safe For Dogs?
Is Colloidal Silver Safe For Dogs? Colloidal silver has several benefits, and many people are curious whether it is safe for dogs. It is a very effective antibacterial […]
Ionic Silver Vs Colloidal Silver
Ionic Silver Vs Colloidal Silver The difference between ionic silver and colloidal form of silver isn’t very important, as both are effective. Most ionic silver solutions are just […]
Benefits of Inhaling Colloidal Silver
Alyss began researching the benefits of inhaling colloidal silver when she had frequent chest infections and body aches. Antibiotics had failed to cure her and she was ready […]
How Do You Make Colloidal Silver?
How Do You Make Colloidal Silver? Colloidal silver is made by separating water and distilled water and heating them at a low temperature. This method uses a glass […]
A Guy Turns Blue From Colloidal Silver
A recent MSNBC television broadcast revealed the true story of a guy who turned blue after consuming large quantities of colloidal silver. Paul Karason, the man known as […]
How to Buy the Best Garden of Eden Colloidal Silver
If you want to buy the best garden of eden colloidal silver available in the market, you need to learn the benefits of this product and the disadvantages […]
Colloidal Silver – What Are the Risks?
Colloidal Silver – What Are the Risks? The use of colloidal silver in health care is on the rise in the United States and around the world. However, […]
Colloid Silver Generator Amazon – What to Look For in a Colloid Silver Generator
Colloid Silver Generator Amazon – What to Look For in a Colloid Silver Generator You can use a colloidal silver generator to make your own perfect silver in […]
Colloidal Silver For Wounds
Colloidal Silver For Wounds The incorporation of silver into wound dressings is a breakthrough in the battle against antibiotic resistance. In the early 1900s, doctors and hospitals began […]
Colloidal Silver For Strep Throat
Colloidal Silver For Strep Throat Colloidal silver for strep throat is a natural remedy that can help eliminate strep throat naturally. The benefits of this supplement include supporting […]
Colloidal Silver For Pneumonia
Colloidal Silver For Pneumonia Alyss was suffering from a bad sore throat, persistent chest pain, and body aches when she started taking colloidal silver for pneumonia. She decided […]
Colloidal Silver For Dog Ear Infection
Colloidal Silver For Dog Ear Infection Several people swear by colloidal silver for dog ear infections. However, its effects have not been fully studied and scientifically proven. The […]
Colloidal Silver Effects
The benefits of colloidal silver are numerous. It has been used to treat many conditions, including cancer, food poisoning, meningitis, pink eye, gonorrhea, staph infections, and more. Here […]
Colloidal Silver Dosage For Dogs
A colloidal silver dosage for dogs should be administered by mouth at least two times daily. The solution is generally a deep golden or yellow color. The particles […]
Colloidal Silver Dosage Chart
Although colloidal silver is a non-emergency treatment, there is a colloidal silver dosage chart that can help you get the right amount for your pet. While this supplement […]
The Colloidal Silver Blue Guy
The Colloidal Silver Blue Guy The “Colloidal Silver Blue Man” has been making news lately, after a 57-year-old man revealed on MSNBC that he has been taking the […]
Colloidal Silver and Herpes
Colloidal Silver and Herpes Colloidal Silver is a topical solution that can be used to cure herpes outbreaks. It can be applied directly to the infected area to […]