There are several ways to make your own colloidal silver. The easiest way is to buy a kit that comes with steam-distilled water. You can also use structured, alkaline, or reverse-osmosis water. These alternative forms of water have different mineral content and can cause the silver particles to agglomerate. Pure steam-distilled is the best option as it will not cause this issue. It is also available at Wal-Mart and other retail stores.
A colloidal silver production kit includes two demountable electrodes, a case, and an adapter. The case holds an electronic assembly that modulates the electric signal between the two electrodes. The kit also contains a high frequency generator, a filter, and an amplifier. It also features a LED power on indicator. To operate the system, you must connect an adapter to power the unit. A laser pointer placed on top of the case is an easy way to check the strength of your solution.
Colloidal Silver Production Kit
Table of Contents
A colloidal silver production kit has an electronic assembly built into the case. It contains two demountable electrodes, and an adapter to connect the two. The case also contains a low-frequency generator, an amplifier, and a filter. The filter and high-frequency generator are connected to each other. A modulator is placed between the low- and high-frequency generator. The case also contains an LED power on indicator.
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A colloidal silver production kit contains a laser pointer and electronic assembly. It has demountable electrodes and is powered via an adapter. The sample that was produced with air pump agitation contains more very small particles of colloidal gold, as compared to the sample with no agitation. The sample with no agitation shows fewer particles smaller than 20nm. To determine the type of colloidal silver that is produced, you can check the strength using a laser pointer.
An electronic assembly is built into a case. It has two demountable electrodes and is powered by an adapter. The electronic assembly is attached to the case and is connected to a power source. It has an amplifier, an electronic filter, and an electronic assembly for modulating the electric signal between the two electrodes. The case also features a LED power on indicator. Then, you can start producing colloidal silver.
Final Thoughts
A colloidal silver manufacturing system is comprised of two demountable electrodes that are connected to an adapter. It is powered by electricity. When you have a CS generator, you need to connect it to a power source. You will need to plug in an adapter. You will need to add a power cable to power the machine. You will need to have an electrical outlet. If you do not have an electrical outlet, use a battery to run the machine.